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Individual-supported employment is an option when an individual is ready to meet the competitive demands of a job and can be assisted to meet the employment standards and social skills required in this environment.

A CW job developer will assist the individual in the process of finding employment: job search, resume, applications, interview, and onboarding.

At the time of employment, CW staff may provide initial support, but then the new employee is on their own, possibly with follow-up visits or contacts to ensure success.

  • It may include assisting the participant in locating a job or developing a job on behalf of the participant. It is conducted in various settings, particularly work sites where persons without disabilities are employed.
  • It includes activities needed to sustain paid work by participants, including supervision and training.
  • Supported Employment does not include sheltered work or similar types of vocational services furnished in specialized facilities.
  • These services may be furnished to participants who are paid at a rate of at least minimum wage, provided that the participant requires supported employment services to sustain employment.
  • Supported employment may include services and supports that assist the participant in achieving self-employment through the operation of a business.

CW also provides employment services through the State Department of Aging and Disability Services. The agency accepts referrals of individuals who are exploring or ready for employment and assists them in the process.

For more information about Supported Employment, please contact your case manager.